Thank you for being here.
I love writing stories, escaping into different worlds, and spending weeks and months with the people I’ve created. But unlike other past-times or passions, writing is a sole endeavor. Just me and my imaginary characters. Then, when I'm ready to share it with the world, I admit, I feel a twinge of heartache at letting it go. That’s where the generosity of dependable readers come in. Out of my secluded writer’s world and into the public realm. After all, stories are meant to be shared and reflected on. “The story is truly finished . . . when the reader enters.” - Celeste Ng
Feedback and opinion come in many ways. “Your book sounds interesting. What’s it about?” Or, “Sounds like something I’d like to read.” And my favorite: “I loved your book.” Of course, not everyone is going to like my book, and as time goes on, I learn who my targeted readers are for my particular genre. It’s all a balancing act. Keywords, algorithms, genre categories and subcategories. All in hopes of being seen. And above all . . . read.
Reading the reviews that have come in has helped keep me connected with my readers, even fostering lasting relationships, so I am not so alone. And I learn so much from my readers. Thank you all for keeping me company!
It has been a truly extraordinary 2024. Two days before Christmas, I received the most wonderful gift:
Tomorrow - January 12, Elizabeth’s Mountain will go on sale for $0.99 on KINDLE!
And what better way for me to celebrate Elizabeth’s Mountain’s story of a grandmother and her granddaughter, than spending it with my own two granddaughters, Olivia and Sofia (as seen below), who I’ve dedicated my book to, along with their mothers - my two daughters. Although I told my granddaughters to wait a few more years to read it.
2024 has been filled with lots of reading adventures. Here are just some of the places I escaped to in my reading:
Here’s to wishing you all a Healthy, Happy New Year with family and friends old and new.
Thank you and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones also. I am always enthused to receive a recommendation for a good read. They are few and far between but yours is the second one I have received from an author this morning. Such a plethora of riches!